Day 1

Day 1

Up at 07:30 and making sure all the items are packed and by the door. As I watch the ham, potatoes and eggs sizzle in the pan, I once again go through my list hoping I have everything I need and nothing I don’t. I love sitting at the kitchen counter looking out the large bay window seeing all the birds flitting back and forth and this morning is no different. It is slightly snowing and dozens of birds crowd the 3 feeders I have hung in the back yard with two lonely Ruby Throated Hummingbirds chasing each other from the feeder as if there wouldn’t be enough food for both of them. I watch small circles of steam rise from my cup of coffee and even though I have this exciting trip ahead of me, my heart wrestles with the all so familiar feelings of joy, anxiety and sadness. The joy of riding through strange places with newly made friends, learning more about this beautiful world, the anxiety of what this trip will bring and the sadness of leaving my love Wendy behind. For the last 46 years she has been the wind beneath my wings, loving me, supporting me, correcting me (I need a bit of direction adjustment on the very rare occasion -haha) and just being there beside me through thick and thin. Life is so amazingly interesting and filled with adventure!

Wendy and I met on a ski hill where I was asked to teach a few young adults how to ski. In short, she fell a lot and I picked her up a lot and after picking a pretty girl out of the snow for the umpteen‘t time, you might as well get married; so we did!

Getting to the airport only takes a few minutes and it is still snowing. At least, last night’s severe storm is over and saves all of us from a barfy, 30 minute jaunt to the big city of Vancouver where I will have to stay the night. The aircraft, or ”flying culvert” as we call it, touches down in a cloud of blowing snow and as good Canadians, saying sorry several times, we orderly pile into the aircraft and off we go, into clouds as thick as cotton candy. (Just an observation: It is minus 3 C and slightly snowing as we board the plane and yet the fellow ahead of me is wearing pretty “cool” footwear. I guess he never got the memo that Vancouver temperatures are minus 7 C).

With Powell River falling behind us the coastal mountains, only 30 minutes later, magically appear as we dive out of the fog and once again I am reminded how much I love this place. I seem to never tire of seeing our mighty mountains rise out of the ever changing gray, green and blue Pacific Ocean and I once again am reminded what an incredible Creator I serve.

To the hotel, cleaning up and getting some food only takes another hour and off to bed I go because 03:15 am will come quickly.

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